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Linked Items

Linked Items component overview

As the name suggests, the Linked Items component will display the list of universal links created for the item. The list of linked items can be viewed from within the Explorer (link icon at the top right corner).

Linked items Explorer example

In real-life business scenarios this space to display linked items can become cluttered and difficult to find items within. The size of the Linked Items window shown above doesn't change, which can make it difficult for the user to view and find one's relevant link here.

The Linked Items component can be easily configured on a page, providing ample space a for displaying Linked Items in an organised manner.

How to set up Linked Items component in Designer

Please note:

  • This component does not have an Edit (pencil) icon. The Linked Items section appears for the subject item only.
  • Linked Items component can be added to an Items List Level (Plural), however, it is meaningful only at the Item Details level (Singular).

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